2018 Goals and Resolutions (and how to set your own)

IT IS 2018!! :)

A new year, a new you, or at least that is what everyone says.  Am I the only one who does not feel the whole new year excitement?  To me it seems like the previous year is just continuing (with a break and festive season in the middle of course!).  However, this year I have decided to make it an exciting new year and here is what I planned for myself and my family:

Source: Find and Convert
  • The first one might actually be quite obvious: my blog!! (whoop whoop!!).  This I have already put into motion and hope to improve and expand throughout the year.  (Please give me any feedback!)
  • To spend more time with my family and our extended family.  I believe family and friends are very important and, visited and communicated with on a regular basis, can most definitely help with some everyday problems and struggles we all experience. (You just need to ask!)
  • To try and be more calm.  Yes, this is a BIG one for me, I am a very anxious person and this seems to be an issue for me.  But, this year, I have promised to do my best to live up to what I try to tell others: LET LIFE BE :)
Source: Dallas Yoga Magazine

In terms of my blog:
  • Post weekly
  • Share my posts with as many people on as many platforms as possible
  • Follow other blogs to learn more about blogging and how to blog, as well as what is trending and popular
  • Perhaps, if it seems feasible closer to the end of the year, start vlogging or uploading videos to Youtube (What do you guys think?)
In terms of my family:
  • Plan regular date nights with hubby
  • Plan regular family outings / fundays
  • Communicate more with extended family and plan visits (better communication will automatically lead to more trust which will provide a safe haven for discussing important issues and asking for help - yay)
In terms of staying calm and letting life be:
  • Always keep the bigger picture in mind
  • Research and implement self-calming techniques
  • Talk to others about my anxieties and worries (keeping things bottled up definitely makes them much worse)
Source: Commcore Consulting
  • The thing to keep in mind is that your goals should be realistic.  Don't get me wrong, try to aim higher and to be a better you, but if your goals are unrealistic and unreachable, you will simply end up feeling unfulfilled and a failure.
  • Create a picture in your mind of what you would like to have achieved by the end of the year and work out what you would need to do to get there.  
  • Break any bigger goals into smaller, easier achievable goals.
  • Create an action plan and stick to it.
  • And most important of all, motivate yourself! Be this with a rewards system, keeping track of your progress or sharing it with others.  The idea is simply to celebrate what you have accomplished.

Good luck with your 2018's planning!!

Bye bye :)

Michelle Smillie
Let Life Be, Let Love In


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